

Strategic outlook for the TC market in 2025

september 04, 2024, 2:30 p.m.: pwc tower in frankfurt




Strategic outlook for the TC market in 2025

Is the telecommunications industry facing profound upheaval? Numerous signs point to an intensification of market developments: consolidation, price, cost, financing and competitive pressure - a lot is currently coming together. The expectations of the "gold rush era" have become a distant memory. And the changes are already measurable in investment behavior. Alternative competitors invested approx. 12% less in broadband expansion in 2023, while Deutsche Telekom invested approx. 14% more. This development has not been seen for years!

At the same time, new doors are opening. Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica are trying to take up the business model of the TECH giants in mobile communications together with the GSMA Open Gateway Initiative. The profitable development and operation of platforms and the creation of a dominant market standard - can the telcos also succeed in this?

In light of these developments, it is particularly important to obtain a first-hand assessment of market developments and let the facts speak for themselves.

Discuss with top managers from the industry with a view of the Frankfurt skyline:

  • What is currently giving decision-makers a "headache", what is "burning under their nails"?
  • What market trends are emerging - what speaks for and against them?
  • How robust are the plans - for investments and expansion?
  • What is the role of the Federal Network Agency - monitoring, moderating, deciding?
  • What are the goals of the new strategic alliances in wholesale, mobile communications and operational expansion - will there be more cooperation in the future?

As always, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with industry leaders and gain valuable insights into the latest industry strategies. Join us and secure your Ticket!


Smiling man with glasses and blue shirt
Alfred Rauscher
Managing Director
Mann mit Brille und Business-Kleidung lächelt.
Caspar von Preysing
PwC Germany
Frau mittleren Alters lächelt freundlich.
Dr. Cara Schwarz-Schilling
Geschäftsführerin und Direktorin
WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste GmbH
Woman with glasses and blue blazer smiles.
Dr. Daniela Brönstrup
Vice President
Federal Network Agency
Mann im Anzug lächelt.
Dr. Frederic Ufer
Managing Director
Man in a suit smiles friendly.
Jan Budden
Deutsche GigaNetz GmbH
Man with gray hair and suit.
Jochen Mogalle
Frau lächelnd in weißem Blazer.
Johanna Heyden
Head of Future Business & Cooperations
Vodafone Innovation
Mann lächelt in Kamera, Business-Casual Kleidung.
Peter Arbitter
SVP Magenta API Capability Exposure
Deutsche Telekom AG
Lächelnde Frau mit blauer Bluse, professionelles Porträt.
Pia von Houwald
Director B2P Digital Processes & Services
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
Porträt eines ernsten Mannes im Anzug
Rickmann v. Platen
Chief Commercial Officer
Freenet AG
Mann mit Anzug und lächelndem Gesicht.
Thomas Kalthoefer
Senior Investment Professional
DWS Infrastruktur
Mann mit Hemd lächelt sanft.
Uwe Nickl
Smiling man in suit with glasses

Prof. Dr. Jens Böcker



14:30 - 15:00

Telecommunications market regulation - What priorities will the Federal Network Agency set in future?

Woman with glasses and blue blazer smiles.

Dr. Daniela Brönstrup
15:05 - 16:05

Blick der Investoren: Bluthochdruck oder Ruhepuls, Aufregung oder Gelassenheit? Was treibt die Investoren?

Man in a suit smiles friendly.     Mann mit Hemd lächelt sanft.      Mann mit Anzug und lächelndem Gesicht.

  Jan Budden         Uwe Nickl        Thomas Kalthoefer
16:35 - 17:35

Telecommunications market outlook 2025 - What changes are on the horizon?

Man with gray hair and suit.                   Smiling man with glasses and blue shirt                   Porträt eines ernsten Mannes im Anzug                   Frau mittleren Alters lächelt freundlich.                   Mann mit Brille und Business-Kleidung lächelt.

Jochen Mogalle                Alfred Rauscher                Rickmann v. Platen         Dr. Cara Schwarz-Schilling      Caspar von Preysing
17:50 - 18:50

GSMA - Open Gateway - What do mobile operators expect from the new alliance?

Mann lächelt in Kamera, Business-Casual Kleidung.           Frau lächelnd in weißem Blazer.           Lächelnde Frau mit blauer Bluse, professionelles Porträt.

Peter Arbitter          Johanna Heyden          Pia von Houwald
18:50 - 19:00


Mann im Anzug lächelt.

Dr. Frederic Ufer